Security Specialist – Penetration Testing Senior

Job Description

  • Contractor
  • Anywhere

Title : Security Specialist – Penetration Testing Senior
Hybrid from Toronto, ON

*Demonstrated experience in identifying, analyzing, and exploiting common vulnerabilities using both hashtag#manual techniques and hashtag#automated tools for web and network hashtag#pentesting and hashtag#vulnerability assessments.
*Demonstrated experience in leading hashtag#penetration tests, web application hashtag#vulnerability assessments, code reviews and hashtag#networkvulnerability assessments in a large environment with diverse systems; and in common attacks, common web application vulnerabilities, exploits and best practices for remediation.
*Knowledge of hashtag#ITsecurity methodologies, tools, techniques, security design and architecture, hashtag#threat/risk concepts and practices, and hashtag#encryption technologies.
Ability to acquire and interpret corporate hashtag#I&IT security strategy, programs.